Wednesday, March 24, 2010

week 6 Visual Literacy

During this week we learned a lot about visual literacy. We learned that using photoshop and other critique like tools to photos can enhance or take away from the photo. Companies and businesses use photoshop to create a picture or logo for their brand. Inorder to make the picture presentable and representalbe for the company the brand/company will use photoshop. Photoshop is also used a lot for magazines that focus on celebrities. A lot of time photographers will make celebrities look bigger or smaller just to create contraversey. Or they crop one person to another person to make it look like they are together.

I posted a piture up of a Victoria's Secret ad. In this picture the model WAS holding a purse but it looks like its suppose to be photoshopped out. Unfortunatley the company didnt do a good job at photoshopping the full purse out.

How this relates to PR...
This relates to PR because in PR we are trying to build trust with our audience and consummers. We want to have a good relationship with our consumers and potenetial consumers and we want to keep that relationship positive. If the company puts ads like this up on their website then we are showing that our company isnt being truthful with the ads. It shows that we use photoshop and the consumers wouldnt trust that our company (Victoria's Secret in this case) real photos but instead uses fake/photoshopped pictures.

Here is a website that shows more photoshop diesasters.

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