Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Photoshop is a graphics editing program. Photoshop uses different tools to add, or take away, from pictures. For instance, it uses a liquify tool to pull in or drag out something in a photo; a pucker tool which shrinks something; and a patch tool that replaces one part of something with another part of the picture that you want it to look like. Photoshop can also change the colors and backgrounds of pictures. Photoshop can do a lot.

One thing photoshop is known for is that it can distort images or improve them. Photoshop can make a fat person look thin and can make a thin person look fat. It can also make a pretty person ugly and an ugly person pretty. Photoshop makes people look like something that they're not.

For example, it can make people look like monsters or mythical creatures, or even vampires. I posted this youtube video up because it shows the steps used in photoshop that turns Bella (a character in the book "Twlight") into a vampire....a human being into a vampire. So, as much as I LOVE photoshop, most of the things (and people) that are photoshopped aren't real. Yes, they might be a real person, but it's not the REAL image of the person, it's touched up.

hmm...Maybe thats why our society is so obsessed with perfection...

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