Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Multimedia is a program or a product that contains still pictures, moving pictures, animations, sounds, text, motion pictures, or video. It is considered multimedia as long as two of these things are combined.

Multimedia is used for many different things. It can be used for advertisement, PSA, telling a story, music, education, entertainment, business, science and so many more. You can find forms of multimedia on the interent, on TV, on billboards, on street signs, on pretty much anything.

For example, I decided to use "The Doritos Slap" commercial as a way to show you a form of multimedia. In this commercial the women's son slaps her date for looking at his mom. This uses multimedia because it shows a 'moving' video and sound of the women, a boy and the man. It also uses text and graphics representing the Doritos at the end for advertisement.

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